Search Tips

Check Spelling

Make sure your search terms are spelled correctly. The search engine will attempt to find words that sound similar to your search terms, but it is always best to try to spell the search terms correctly.

Example:   saerch temlpate

This will return any documents that have either a word that sounds similar to "saerch" or "temlpate".

Use Nultiple Words

Use multiple words when performing your search. The search results will return more refined results from several words than from a single word. For example, typing our free service will return more relevant results than typing only service. (Keep in mind, relevant results are returned even if they don't contain all query terms.)

Example:   our free service

This will return any documents that have either the word "our" or "free" or "service".

Use Similar Words

The more similar words you use in a search, the more relevant results you will get back.

Example:   safe secure privacy security

This will return any documents that contain any of these words.

Use Appropriate Capitalization

Capitalize proper nouns. Lowercase words will match any case. For example, typing "search" will return all documents containing the words "search", "Search", and "SEARCH". However, typing "Search" will only search for pages that contain "Search".

Example:   Search Template

This will return only the documents that have the word "Search" (but not "search") or "Template" (but not "template").

Capitalization And Foreign Characters

For simplicity, capitalization is ignored, and you don't have to enter accented characters to search for foreign words.

Example:   pagina

Example:   Search Template

The first search will return documents that contain "pagina" and "página". The second search will return documents that have the word "Search" or "search" or "Template" or "template".

Use quotation marks

Use quotation marks to find words which must appear adjacent to each other, for example, "our pledge to you." Otherwise, the search results will include the word our, pledge, to, and the word you, but not necessarily in that order. The words may appear anywhere, and in any order, within the document.

Note: if you are using the Advanced Search Form with radio buttons for "any," "all," and "phrase," then quotes can only be used when the "any" radio button is selected. Quotes are ignored if the Advanced Search Form "all" or "phrase" radio button is selected.

Example:   "our pledge to you"

This will return only the documents that have the exact phrase (or a phrase that sounds like) "our pledge to you".