Hello, this is Brother Rob Coones, Pastor of Christian Temple Church. In the behalf of the brothers and sisters of Christian Temple, I would like to greet and welcome you to our web page. Our purpose and plan is to challenge you in the Word of God. The Bible says that we are the stewards of the mysteries of God. It also asks us to pray for the Spirit of Revelation. When we go into some revelational teachings as you visit our web pages, you will find many controversial subjects, in which many ministries would try to stay clear of. I’m sure that I’m going to go into many misunderstood things, some in which you may have never heard. The Bible says, “A wise man hears the end of the matter.” As we challenge you, get into the scriptures, search them out for yourselves. We have a question and comment form built into this web site. If you have questions or you are in disagreement with me, write me. We won’t turn you away. If there is something that you are unsure of, God won’t let you be deceived, if you pray and seek Him, He will unveil the truth unto you. Our purpose isn’t to convert you to a sect of people or a religious order, it is simply to bring you to a greater understanding of God’s Word. We hope that in this, you may grow in the grace and knowledge of God. Brother Paul said, “I would like to speak unto you as spirituals,” but he said that he found them still yet carnal. He went on to say that they should have been teachers by now, but found them having to be taught. Therefore, this is my challenge to you, that you may be in the mind of Christ, so that I may speak to you as one with spiritual insight and understanding. You will find that we stay within the guidelines of the Word of God. We pray that you will be edified and exhorted into a closer and deeper walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you.

Bro. Rob Coones, Pastor