Moldova Mission Trip 2001

Orphan Girl’s Testimony

This is a testimony about Bro. Roger, written by a young lady from Moldova. Her name is Mariana Doghi shown below with Bro. Roger. She had the opportunity to come to the USA to visit the Little Samaritan Mission in Hickory, NC, where they have a school. While there in school, her teacher asked her to write a report on someone special in her life. This is what she wrote:

“It is my pleasure to be here today. I would like to introduce to you Roger Duke. I met Roger in the winter of 2001. He came to Moldova to visit the orphanages of Little Samaritan Mission. When I saw him for the first time, I had a very good impression about him. He is a very tall man, dark skinned, wears glasses, and is very kind. He has a very big heart for Moldova and for the children there. Roger lives in Georgia with his family. He is married. His wife’s name is Charlotte. They have been married for about 25 years. He has a daughter, her name is Esther, and she has a daughter named Alisa. Roger is a man who wants to make a difference. He want to improve the lives of the children from the orphanages. He brings them medicine, toys, clothes, coal, and blankets. He travels very far to Moldova. He also distributes Christmas gifts for the children. He is a gentle man who loves very much the kids form Moldova. Roger also has made a difference in my life. He came to Hickory to visit me with his daughter, and his granddaughter, Alisa. On my birthday he sent me an album with pictures. He is one of the kindest men I have ever met. His heart is as big as he is, and he is a very important man in the eyes of God. It was my pleasure to introduce this fine man to you. He is an excellent example of a Christian.”

I just wanted to share this brief testimony with you to show you how we can affect lives all around the world through our benevolence and acts of charity. Bro. Roger is on his third trip to Moldova as I prepare this testimony for the web (December 8, 2003). I’m thankful to have a part with him in finance and prayer. We at Christian Temple covet your prayers. Thank you.

God Bless,

Bro. Rob